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HomeOpinionStrengthen Systems To Curb Unnecessary Loopholes Exploited By Police to Benefit From Lockdowns

Strengthen Systems To Curb Unnecessary Loopholes Exploited By Police to Benefit From Lockdowns

The increase in Covid 19 cases in Zimbabwe has prompted Government to institute another lockdown this time a 30 day one.

By Shelton Muchena

Fears are that if there continue to be loopholes all the efforts being put by Government to curb the spread of the deadly pandemic will be in vain if law enforcement authorities are complacent.

According to the statistics released by the Ministry of Health and Child Care, as at January 3 2021, Zimbabwe had 15 265 confirmed cases, including 11 574 recoveries and 380 deaths.
This calls for everyone to be responsible and be careful to ensure the figures to not continue rising.
It is worrying that the past lockdown regulations had been not very effective as some officers of the Zimbabwe Republic Police stand accused of receiving bribes to allow law breakers easy passage.

Kazembe Kazembe, the Minister of Home affairs and Tandabantu Godwin Matanga, the Commissioner of Police should strengthen the systems to ensure there are no loopholes which some unscrupulous law enforcements agents can take advantage of to oil their pockets.

Questions over government’s commitment to fight the pandemic are being raised.

Business owners are also complicit, some of them including pharmacies are no-longer checking temperatures or even sanitizing customers at their entrances.

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This, therefore exposes both shop attendants and customers.

In the same manner, one would ask why Zimbabwe anti corruption commission has failed to crack its whip on corrupt police officers and health officials the same way it has been doing on political players.

The Zimcommunity SA has warned that fake COVID-19 certificates are being generated in Zimbabwe.

South Africa where the pandemic is wreaking havoc has warned that some travellers are securing fake Covid certificates to gain entry into Zimbabwe putting the lives of many on risk.
South Africa has taken a tough stance to declare such people as undesirable and will refuse entry and effect a ban on them. It is always good that people should out their house in order for them not to become victim to such circumstances.

It is important to get tested and always have authentic covid-19 certificate documents.

The South African international airport OR Tambo has 24hrs (+- 4 hrs results outcome). The NHLS in Braamfontein does tests also, Lancet and dischem and clicks do also.

It is advisable not to get tested as a passport cannot be a valid test sample!

Authorities from South Africa and Zimbabwe will soon engage on mechanisms to test people at ports of entry.

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“We will be engaging with officials from both countries about setting up test stations at ports of entry or close to them to have control over tests authenticity. Meanwhile please ensure you get valid and authentic covid-19 certificates. It’s actually for your own good and safety. Please wear your masks and sanitize, wash hands constantly and maintain physical distance. Self isolate if you suspect you have had contact with potential Covid-19 infected person”.

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