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HomePoliticsTerrified Zanu PF Wont Succeed: CCC

Terrified Zanu PF Wont Succeed: CCC

Opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) has refuted claims by ZANU PF Secretary for Finance, Patrick Chinamasa that they submitted nominations papers for 15 of their parliamentary elections candidates after the 4pm deadline set by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC).

According to Chinamasa, the CCC failed to meet the 4 pm deadline to file nominations for their Bulawayo candidates. Chinamasa added that they will approach the Electoral Court to have their nomination nullified.

In an interview with 263Chat, CCC national spokesperson Fadzayi Mahere said the claims were misplaced and that all necessary procedures were followed within the legal timeframe.

“It’s misplaced to allege the Bulawayo nomination papers were filed out of time. Our candidates were in court well ahead of the 4pm cut off.

“The CCC filed all its nominees for all 210 constituencies within the time limits provided at law. We are confident that the law was followed to the letter. The only illegality that pervades the nomination court process is the forged and fraudulent double candidates. ZANU PF is terrified of the impending defeat to CCC. They won’t succeed,” said Mahere

Supporting Mahere’s statements, senior CCC member and former education minister David Coltart denounced Chinamasa’s allegations, labeling them as “ridiculous” and accusing him of grandstanding on a massive scale.

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“Patrick Chinamasa is grandstanding on a massive scale by suggesting that @CCCZimbabwe MP and Senatorial candidates were not validly nominated in #Bulawayo. They were all present and their nomination papers were submitted before 4pm. His statement is ridiculous,” posted Coltart on social microblogging Twitter

As the August 23 harmonised elections approach accusations and counter accusations between the two political outfits have become a common occurrence.

Recently, the opposition movement accused the ruling Zanu PF of planting candidates within CCC leading to the registration of double candidates in some constituencies

Meanwhile, the Zimbabwe Election Commission (ZEC) is today expected to gazette the names of candidates who will be participating in the elections on August 23.

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