Saturday, July 27, 2024
Home#263ChatTransform Zimbabwe Mourns Morgan Tsvangirai

Transform Zimbabwe Mourns Morgan Tsvangirai


It is with great sadness and shock that we receive the news of the passing on of Dr.Morgan Richard Tsvangirai the iconic leader of the MDC Alliance and the MDC-T political party.

As Transform Zimbabwe and indeed the MDC Alliance that he led, we are still processing the shocking news and we can only look up to the Holy Spirit to comfort us, Elizabeth Tsvangirai his wife, the Tsvangirai family and all Zimbabweans to face this difficult time.

Dr Morgan Tsvangirai, will be celebrated as the man who confronted head-on a Nazi type regime under the leadership of former president Robert Mugabe. He created and watered a thriving opposition political space which we enjoy to this day. In 2008, Morgan Tsvangirai took a second position of prime minister even after winning the election as a way to preserve peace in the country.

Many opposition supporters had been maimed and killed by Zanu Pf militia in the run up to the stolen election and for the sake of peace, Dr.Tsvangirai settled for a lesser position. He is a man who received battering and beatings in his fight so that we continue to have democracy and a thriving opposition political space.

As Transform Zimbabwe, we remain committed to #pulling together to complete the work that Dr. Tsvangirai had remarkably united the democratic forces to complete under the MDC Alliance”

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The nation has been plunged into mourning and we call upon all Zimbabweans to gather around the values of unity and oneness that Dr Morgan Tsvangirai stood for.


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Multi-award winning journalist/photojournalist with keen interests in politics, youth, child rights, women and development issues. Follow Lovejoy On Twitter @L_JayMut

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