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HomeGuest columnistTribute To Itai Dzamara – My Ultimate Hero

Tribute To Itai Dzamara – My Ultimate Hero



It’s now 28 months since those evil intoxicated men snatched you from us mukoma. I still hold on to the hope that one day you will be with us. I look forward to you mischievously calling me ‘mudhara’ or ‘dhokota’ on this side of life as before.

By Patson Dzamara

The past 28 months have been surreal for the entire family and me. All sorts of incredulous and austere things have transpired. Before I delve into those nitty-gritties, I wish to inform you that I failed to uphold the ultimatum which you gave me. You gave me up until the end of 2015 to get married, but I haven’t managed to do so as yet. I am positive that it shall come to pass in the not too distant future. Hopefully in your presence.

When they abducted you, I could not remain silent. I stood up and acted against that injustice. Ordinarily, I should have been the last person to even think of doing that after what happened to you. I could not hold back neither could I afford to betray you. I had to emulate your example of selflessness.

In the past 28 months, I have been arrested more than 20 times, I have spent days in prison, and I have appeared in court more than 80 times.  Mukoma, I have been abducted, tortured, falsely convicted, smeared, lost assets,  lost relationships not forgetting business and career opportunities but by God’s grace, I didn’t lose myself neither did I lose him.

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I am still standing mukoma. 

The temptation to give up has always been a constant companion but the example you set, not only for me but many progressive Zimbabweans, keeps me strong and going. You blazed an amazing trail. Caring less for your comfort and security, you stood and faced the monster head on.

When everyone else was whispering, you shouted. When everyone else was shrinking into the cocoon of fear, you boldly took a stand. When everyone else normalized the abnormal, you boldly declared it was abnormal. You declared that “We are the people, we are the numbers, let’s go.”

You are a selfless man who did it for Zimbabwe, not popularity. You did it for a better Zimbabwe. Itai, you are a hero to me and many other Zimbabweans. I draw inspiration from you and your brave stance in the face of oppression.

Whatever happens, I am thankful to God for allowing me to share the same womb and upbringing with you. Without me knowing or paying particular attention, I shared part of my life with greatness, your greatness. You are more than a brother to me; you are my ultimate hero.

Thank you for sacrificing towards a better Zimbabwe. A new and better Zimbabwe is possible in our lifetime, we shall come face to face with it.

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Namaste – The greatness in me salutes the greatness in you.

I love and miss you.

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