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HomeCourtsWitness Exonerates Sikhala

Witness Exonerates Sikhala

A witness who testified during the trial of the incarcerated Zengeza West legislator Job Sikhala confirmed that the combative politician was in his rural area on the day of the alleged offence.

Sikhala is facing charges of obstruction of justice with the state accusing him of interfering in investigations surrounding the death of Citizens Coalition for Change slain activist Moreblessing Ali.

The state alleges that Sikhala accused ZANU PF members of murdering Ali while addressing mourners.

However, the police allege Sikhala’s utterances made them chase after the wrong people instead of one Pius Jamba’.

Charles Sikhala, who is a brother to the former St Mary’s legislator told Harare Magistrate Marehwanazvo Gofa that his brother arrived at their rural home on the 24th of May 2022 and only left for Harare on the morning of the 26th of May, a testimony which is contrary to the state’s allegations in which they are saying Sikhala committed the offence on 25 May 2022.

“I am a farmer and a brother to the accused person. He was in Gutu on 25 May, he arrived home on the 24th of May 2022 and it was almost midnight because we were already asleep, I can say from 10-11pm.

“He had visited to see his cattle, to vaccinate them because I had advised him that we had run out of some chemicals, and I spent the rest of the day with him until the following day, 26 May when he left,” he said.

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Sikhala also testified before the court that he clearly remembers everything that happened on the day since they did many things to remember together.

“We also put flowers on our parents’ graves, we slaughtered a beast and celebrated like what we usually do every holidays.

“I recall this day very well because on the 25th of May is Africa day and he usually come home during the holidays,” he said.

During cross examination when he was asked by the state if he would do anything to see his brother out of trouble he said, “if he had truly committed the offence he can face the consequences but in this case, I was with him and I can not lie.”

Further quizzed if he depended on Sikhala for survival, his brother said that he is an independent man who can takes care of the family and on the Day in question the beast which was slaughtered was his.

Defence lawyers, Harrison Nkomo and Jeremiah Bamu applied for a postponement of the matter in order to allow them to bring an expert witness.

Trial continues on the 28th of March 2023.

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Journalist based in Harare

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