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HomeNewsZanu-PF Challenged To Honor Election Promises

Zanu-PF Challenged To Honor Election Promises

Opposition outfit, Ideas Party of Democracy (IPD) has challenged the ruling party, Zanu-PF to honour its election campaign promises before starting another campaign ahead of the 2023 elections.

By Charles Dzimwasha

Zanu-PF made a raft of promises through its manifesto among which was the revamping of industries which would give birth to jobs creation.

However, midway through its term of office, the President Emmerson Mnangagwa administration ha found the going tough as more companies continue to close and thousands more continue to lose their jobs, contrary to what was promised.

“The ruling party must fulfil its election campaign promises because if they deviate from their promises, people will lose faith in it and that could be problematic for them in 2023,” IPD President Herbert Chamuka told 263Chat recently.

He said his party is ready to lead should and will respect what it pledges to the people.

“Our party is a non-violent party, we respect people’s wishes, and we will honour our pledges if we are elected into power. What we promise is what we will deliver,” he said.

Chamuka was bullish that his party will usher in a new type of governance, different from Zanu-PF’S 40-year rule.

“We will liberate the country, we will bring freedom and democracy. we will revamp our industry and bring economic development,” he noted.

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IPD, Chamuka said, will soon begin a door to door campaigns as preparations for the 2023 elections.

He added that IPD will see an equitable distribution of natural resources which will benefit everyone.

“We will ensure that a part of what we acquire through the sale of our minerals. Will be channelled towards the benefit of our citizens directly,” he said.

This comes as the Mnangagwa administration has been accused of amassing wealth for the selected few while the rest of the country is wallowing in poverty.

Chamuka, however, said his party is ready to work will parties in Zimbabwe, including Zanu-PF, to ensure economic growth.

“We respect President Emmerson Mnangagwa administration because it was chosen by the people and we are ready to work with him and other parties,” he said.

Meanwhile, Chamuka took a swipe at the opposition MDC Alliance for continuously calling for demonstrations and alleging electoral fraud on the 2018 elections.

The Nelson Chamisa led outfit has been at loggerhead with Mnangagwa over the elections which the opposition narrowly lost.

On a number of occasions, Chamisa has threatened to make the country ungovernable and has led a number of anti-government protests.

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