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HomeElections 2023Zanu-PF Welcomes Moyo, Zhuwawo’s Apology

Zanu-PF Welcomes Moyo, Zhuwawo’s Apology


ZanuPF’s Director of Communications, Tafadzwa Mugwadi has hailed the unexpected apology from former cabinet ministers, Professor Jonathan Moyo and his accomplice, Patrick Zhuwawo.

The duo wrote an apology letter to their former ZanuPF colleagues for supporting opposition leader, Nelson Chamisa in the 2018 elections.

Their support was seen as a spite to President Emmerson Mnangagwa who orchestrated the demise of the G40 cabal to which Moyo and Zhuwawo, among others, allegedly belonged.

Responding to the letter, Mugwadi said the move by the two is a welcome development to his party while conceding that Mnangagwa is willing to extend an olive branch to them.

“This is the way @ProfJNMoyo and Patrick Zhuwao. The President and the entire leadership of the Party have always said “let bygones be bygones.”

“This is a good start. I have always maintained even as we argue brutally then, that you don’t fit in an opposition to ZANU PF. Musangano ihomwe!” Mugwadi said.

In their letter, Moyo and Zhuwawo said they saw it fit to support Chamisa ahead of the elections as there was no one better to support.

“For whatever it is worth, we supported Nelson Chamisa in 2018 and well after that but we did not at any time in that process ever seek to join his then MDC-A or his new CCC.

“As President Mugabe best put it ahead of the 2018 harmonised general election, ‘there was no one else to support given the political dynamics at play at the time.

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“We hoped in vain that Chamisa would break barriers and forge a new platform on which a cross-section of citizens straddling the political divide could converge, based on Zimbabwe’s founding values and principles stipulated in section 3 of Zimbabwe’s constitution,” part of the letter reads.

Professor Moyo and Mnangagwa are believed to be long-time rivals dating back to the 2004 infamous Thsolothso Declaration. They were at loggerheads again during the G40-Lacoste wars with Mnangagwa coming on top on both occasions.

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Multi-award winning journalist/photojournalist with keen interests in politics, youth, child rights, women and development issues. Follow Lovejoy On Twitter @L_JayMut

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