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HomePoliticsAngry Chamisa To Punish MPs Who Got US$40k Loans

Angry Chamisa To Punish MPs Who Got US$40k Loans


Citizens Coalition for Change leader Nelson Chamisa has said his Members of Parliament t crossed the line when they accepted the US$40 000 loans which were dished out by the President Emmerson Mnangagwa-led administration to both the lower house and upper house.

In a scathing video directed to his MPs, Chamisa said the loans are a bribe to the legislators and an attempt by the Zanu-PF to neutralize its alleged looting.

Opposition MPs including CCC have come under fire for accepting such an offer when hospitals, clinics among other basic service providers are struggling. Only Allan Markham the MP for Harare North has turned down the offer.

Some view the move as a plan by President Emmerson Mnangagwa to silence the MPs especially those from the opposition. The legislators will get US$40 000 each in loans to the tune of US$14 million.

However, Chamisa said his MPs must not have accepted the money as this equates to them supping with the devil. Chamisa said there will be action taken towards those that ACC[eted the money.

“CCC was not supposed to drink from this poisoned chalice, they have joined the pioneer column, they have joined the gravy train and they have crossed the line.
I have told them if they don’t act accordingly you know what it means the citizens are waiting for them and they are going to punish them heavily, and that one is catered for. I don’t agree with it, I don’t encourage it, I don’t support it, and I don’t believe people should support their welfare when the nation is struggling the way we are struggling,” Chamisa said.

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He stated that the MPs must have considered the plight of the struggling citizens who could have benefitted from the money.

“If you take $40000 and I went into a hospital this week $40000 will do so much to transform the outlook of our hospitals in terms of linen, in terms of the beds that are broken its apathetic situation. The toilets are not functioning, there is nothing, and there is no water but if you take 40 000 it will do wonders just for a member of Parliament and for Parliament then to want to behave like a bank or Government has turned itself into a bank that is gifting loans, for me, it fits an illogic,” the opposition leader lashed.

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Multi-award winning journalist/photojournalist with keen interests in politics, youth, child rights, women and development issues. Follow Lovejoy On Twitter @L_JayMut

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