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HomePoliticsArrest Zanu PF Activist, CCC Urges Police

Arrest Zanu PF Activist, CCC Urges Police

Opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) has called on the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) to arrest Zanu PF activist Abton Mashayanyika on charges of inciting violence following statements he made during a Zanu PF meeting in Mberengwa.

In the video Mashayanyika is heard addressing Zanu PF supporters saying ‘down with’ Chamisa words that has been used to incite political violence over the years.

Posting on twitter, CCC deputy national spokesperson Gift Ostallos Siziba said the party does not take the threats lightly because they have been attempts on the life of Chamisa early this year.

“We take notice of a video on social media, where a few days ago, one Zanu PF activist, Mr Abton Mashayanyika, addressing party supporters at a Zanu PF rally at Rampopo Hills under Chief Mapiravana in Mberengwa North, publicly called for the killing of President @nelsonchamisa

“We do not take this lightly, chiefly because there have been numerous attempts at the life of President Chamisa, from the time he held consultative meetings with citizens across the length and breadth of the country. It is to this end, that we call for the following: for our able police service, to move with speed and detain Mr Abton Mashayanyika, and charge him and his accomplices, with death threats and calling for violence

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“For ZRP to compliment that investigation and arrest, with a public and unambiguous pronouncement against this call for violence from Zanu PF. We thirdly call upon Zanu PF to reign in on their representative and for Mr Mnangagwa to distance himself and his party. Unless of course Zanu PF is comfortable with acts that absolutely qualify them as fully-fledged terrorist organization, because we fully take notice of the fact that the video in question, was shot by a participant on the same rally,” said Siziba

He also castigated arbitrary arrests of legislators Job Sikhala and Godfrey Sithole together with 13 others who  are facing charges of inciting violence following skirmishes that erupted in Chitungwiza’s Nyatsime area last month following the gruesome murder of party activist Moreblessing Ali, all have been denied bail.

“Regrettably, we take notice of the deepening crisis of politically motivated violence, and threats of the same, particularly coming from Zanu PF, against our movement, its change champions; citizens; and the broader pro-democracy movement. We particularly equally take notice of the failure of our police to, as per their constitutional duties, intervein against such disturbances. We equally take notice of the use of state institutions, to actually persecute the actual victims of politically motivated violence,” he said

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