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HomePoliticsFormer MDC Chairman Pleads With Mnangagwa In Sikhala’s Detention

Former MDC Chairman Pleads With Mnangagwa In Sikhala’s Detention

In a fervent appeal to President Emmerson Mnangagwa, former Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) national chairman Morgen Komichi has called for the immediate intervention in the case of former Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) Zengeza West legislator Job Sikhala.

Sikhala has spent over a year in pre-trial detention, facing charges of inciting public violence in Chitungwiza’s Nyatsime area following the funeral of slain CCC activist Moreblessing Ali.

In a video shared via social media after visiting Sikhala at Chikurubi Maximum Prison, Komichi, a seasoned figure in the country’s politics, issued a heartfelt plea, stressing the importance of upholding democratic values even in the face of opposition.

“Zimbabwe is a multi-party democracy, and it allows opposition politics. Opposition activists should not be treated as murderers or people who have committed untriable crimes,” said Komichi

Sikhala’s detention has been a contentious issue, sparking concern both domestically and internationally regarding the state of democracy and human rights in Zimbabwe.

Komichi added “President Mnangagwa should soften his heart and allow Job Sikhala to be granted bail and tried while coming from home. If he has committed a crime, it will be proved. It’s not right for a person to be denied bail. We appeal to President Mnangagwa to show leadership as the President so that Job Sikhala is granted bail,”

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Human rights activists believe that Sikhala’s prolonged pre-trial detention raises questions about due process and the principle of “innocent until proven guilty.”

Sikhala was in May this year found guilty of obstruction of justice and was given a wholly suspended six months sentence with an option of paying US$ 600 or spending six months in jail.

Charges against Sikhala were based on a video in which he allegedly demanded justice for the murder of another opposition activist whose mutilated body was found in a well.

Prosecutors alleged that by blaming the ruling Zanu-PF party for the death he diverted investigations that were focusing on other suspects.

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