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HomeNewsI Did Not Concede Electoral Defeat, Chamisa Responds to Mpofu

I Did Not Concede Electoral Defeat, Chamisa Responds to Mpofu

Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) President Nelson Chamisa has refuted claims by Zanu PF Secretary for administration Dr Obert Obert Mpofu who told the Kgalema Motlanthe led Commission of Inquiry that the 40 years old opposition leader admitted to losing the July 30 Presidential elections.

Writing on Twitter today, Chamisa described Mpofu’s call on the fateful day as strange charging that there was no reason for him to discuss elections results before their pronouncement by the Zimbabwe Election Commission (ZEC).

“Econet is my service provider. His call was never about the result but the people he alleged to be MDC. It was so bizarre to receive a call from Mpofu. This was his first and last call to me up to today. Why would I discuss unannounced results to concede to a mere junior minister?” said Chamisa.

He expressed strong determination to fight Zanu PF, warning that although it will be difficult, the country will one day taste real freedom.

“We’ve penetrated, shaken and defeated forces and kingdoms of darkness. It’s not going to be easy. Darkness will try to fight back through lies, falsehoods and deceptive plots. They will fail and lose. One day and soon, Zimbabwe shall be the land of the free, just and happy,” added Chamisa.

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Former cabinet minister Professor Jonathan Moyo who has become a leading critic of President Emmerson Mnangawa also threw jibes at his former colleague, Mpofu, saying he lied before the commission.

“Obert, the now disobedient son recruited into the CIO by Mnangagwa in 1980 to spy on Zapu leaders, is lying under oath. He should be required to produce the recording he claims he did. Only blithering idiots will believe his lie that Nelson Chamisa admitted on 1 Aug he had lost!”

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