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HomePoliticsI Don’t Want To Be Prime Minister: Chamisa

I Don’t Want To Be Prime Minister: Chamisa


The MDC President Nelson Chamisa has refuted claims in the state media that he is angling for Prime Minister post saying his call for dialogue should not be misconstrued since his plan is anchored on five key issues that need to be addressed amidst calls that President Emmerson Mnangagwa need to flex muscles and romp in the 40 year old opposition leader into the government to save the nation from further economic slip up.

The call for dialogue, that has seen churches also throwing weight, comes on the back of an economic collapse evidenced by forex shortages which have impacted on fuel supply, food shortages, price hike on goods as the bond note lose value on daily basis.

In an interview with 263Chat this morning, Chamisa spokesperson Dr Nkululeko Sibanda denied  Chamisa’s interest taking up the Prime Minister post saying his boss  is not interested in positions as his worry is on over 90 percent jobless Zimbabweans, economic mismatch and crisis in governance.

“No, the President is not interested in positions,” said Sibanda.

“What is certainly true is that the President is concerned about the plight of the 95 percent unemployed Zimbabweans not in anything else and he has developed a five point plan to deal with that.

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“Firstly the President is of the view that the economic situation and unemployment will improve if we consider a national dialogue and ultimately be sure that we will never ever have another election whose outcome is disputed because if we do not put a mechanism to safeguard the election it is the economy that pays the price,” Sibanda.

In a summary of other key issues Chamisa want resolved border around legitimacy question which continue to haunt President Mnangagwa led administration whose hyped international engagement has not paid off yet amid concerns that the July 30 elections were not a reflection of the people’s vote.

“The president wants to talk about the current illegitimacy of government and see whether we can do anything to return to legitimacy and restore normalcy,” Sibanda added.

The award winning minister of the year 2011 also fronts national healing and national building as part of his vision to put to bed issues of all human rights abuses, including the 2018 1st of August killings, Gukurahundi,  Murambatsvina among others.

His belief is that these unresolved issues impact on the economic recovery agenda the country should adopt.


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