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HomePoliticsI Have No Bitterness Over My Incarceration, Says Sikhala

I Have No Bitterness Over My Incarceration, Says Sikhala

Incarcerated Zengeza West legislator, Job Sikhala has penned an emotional Christmas message from Chikurubi Maximum Prison saying he has no bitterness over his prosecution.

Sikhala has been in jail for six months without trial on charges of inciting public violence in the aftermath of slain CCC activist Moreblessing Ali’s funeral in June this year.

In the message, Sikhala inspired by statesman Nelson Mandela says he does not begrudge anyone over what he is going through.

“I have got no bitterness in my heart whatsoever. I rather feel my heart filled with love and I smile at them. Great nations have not been built on bitterness but love. The world was amazed when they saw Nelson Mandela smiling, the first day he appeared on the public from Robben Island after 27 years of treacherous persecution by the oppressors.

“So to all those who have been plotting evil against me, I love you all. To those who have been taking turns to insult, humiliate and malign me, I love you all. Those who have been send to execute treachery against me, I love you all. I know every detail of all plans and plots against me. To the planners and plotters, I love you all. You are just playing a role to fulfill what was revealed to me long before this had happened, by someone blessed by God with time revelations,” wrote Sikhala

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He added “Love and not bitterness has built great nations. Those who chose love over bitterness, have left legacies that will endure for centuries. Nelson Mandela, like the biblical David and Jesus Christ, has left a legacy that will endure centuries to come, because of love over bitterness. As persons, we must ponder whether legacy will remember us.

Legacy can only remember us, if we build a nation of love, happiness, peace and equality. No one deserves to be killed because of his political beliefs. Politics should be competition of brightest ideals and values. I pray that history will remember me as a man who suffered for defending the fatherless, the weak and the powerless in our society.”

Sikhala said he is not interested in power as he is just a social activist who was dragged against his wish to contest in the 2023 elections.

“Let no one be mistaken. This just happens naturally to me. I do not want any reward for it or any suggestion for power. Let those who need power have it and use it responsibly. Please I am not interested in any power. Get this clearly. I did not even want to contest in 2018, but I was dragged against my wish by the people. You might persecute me on the wrong assumption that I want power, please be advised that I want none. I am just a social activist and not a power monger,” he said.

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