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HomePoliticsJonathan Moyo Re-Ignites Chamisa Attack After Nigeria Elections

Jonathan Moyo Re-Ignites Chamisa Attack After Nigeria Elections


Self-exiled former Cabinet Minister Professor Jonathan Moyo has once again ripped into opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) leader Nelson Chamisa over his continued lack of party structures despite being popular with the electorate.

In a Twitter post inspired by the recent Nigerian elections in which Peter Obi, the main rival to President-elect Bola Tinubu contested without structures, Moyo warned voters to be wary of politicians who keep their plans in confidence.

“If a politician who wants your vote tells you that “everything is gonna be alright” while they’re keeping their plan or structures close to their chest as a ‘secret strategy’, beware; you are dealing with a clueless and desperate voodoo politician who is out of his or her depth!,” said Prof Moyo.

Since last year Prof. Moyo has not spared any sacred cows in his analysis of the Chamisa led opposition party, which he has described as a “secret society”.

“Since #CCC is ‘structureless’ and constitution-less its leaders, who ironically are a structure, are using silence as a strategy to get its members to support unilateral and illegal Western sanctions, demonise land reform and revere Ian Smith and, by extension, Cecil Rhodes!

“The consequence of #CCC‘s refusal to be transparent about its structures is that the party has become deviant; effectively operating as a secret society, and employing political delinquency, such as the glorification of Ian Smith by its supporters, as a political strategy!” Prof. Moyo then said

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The attacks have not gone down well with Chamisa loyalists who described the former Minister in late Robert Mugabe’s government as a political turn coat.

Professor Moyo was irked by CCC’s decision to operate without any structure and Constitution after his offer to work with the opposition movement were snubbed.

Chamisa and his lieutenants have maintained they will continue without the said structures so as to avoid infiltration by the ruling Zanu PF party.

Recently, CCC national spokesperson Advocate Fadzayi Mahere hinted that the party will officially launch in preparation of the harmonised elections that are scheduled to take place later this year.

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