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HomePoliticsKasukuwere Calls For ‘Serious’ Dialogue

Kasukuwere Calls For ‘Serious’ Dialogue

Former Zanu PF national political commissar Saviour Kasukuwere has called for a genuine national dialogue to resolve the country’s socio-political and economic crisis.

Speaking during a Policy dialogue forum on the post November 2017 coup hosted virtually by SAPES Trust, Kasukuwere said there was need for a serious engagement to put the country on a new development trajectory.

“I think essentially whatever it means as a society, as a country, I think we need to put brakes and say can’t we engage and talk about our differences. Zimbabwe is long overdue for some kind of heart to heart discussion where we have empathy with each other. There is a lot that we have missed over the years other countries are moving forward but we are stuck in violence, we are stuck against each other.

“We are stuck in ensuring that I win at all costs it’s never about the country winning but about the individual winning. What is it that we want to achieve? We must be able to achieve together, I think there is a feeling that I would rather run this race and win as an individual. If we run this together, Zimbabwe will be a better country. We need to be able to start having a serious dialogue,” said Kasukuwere.

CCC legislator Tendai Biti echoed Kasukuwere’s sentiments saying an election alone cannot resolve the country’s challenges.

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“Any solution to the Zimbabwean crisis that simply thinks that an election held one day can resolve 44 years of abuse, some would argue 100 years of abuse from 1890. I would go as far as 1350. It’s not going to be possible. So we need genuine dialogue that will however ultimately end in a scenario where a citizen is allowed to choose, so that’s the end. We need dialogue that focuses on creating and recreating an articulated common consensus not the disarticulated, fragmented vision that we have at the present moment. What does it mean to be a Zimbabwean? What Zimbabwe do we want?” Biti said.

The Zanu PF has insisted that it is open to dialogue only if political parties use the Political Actors Dialogue (POLAD) platform to engage. On the other hand, Chamisa has refused to join POLAD arguing that it is Zanu PF’s ploy to neutralize him.

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  • I fail to understand how talking and focusing on our differences will unite us as Zimbabweans..

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