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HomePoliticsKasukuwere Launches Election Manifesto, Dreams For a Prosperous Zimbabwe

Kasukuwere Launches Election Manifesto, Dreams For a Prosperous Zimbabwe

Independent Presidential candidate Saviour Kasukuwere has unveiled his ambitious election manifesto, vowing to reshape Zimbabwe into a functional and prosperous nation that serves the interests of all its citizens.

Despite facing opposition from a Zanu PF activist challenging his bid, Kasukuwere remains steadfast in his mission to bring about positive change for the country.

Speaking during an online launch from South Africa on Monday, Kasukuwere outlined his dream for the country.

“I dream of a functional country at peace with itself, where a social contract bridges the trust deficit between the government and its citizens. I dream of a Zimbabwe where our natural resources are fully utilized to benefit everyone, where hospitals and clinics are well-equipped and have medicines. A country where pensioners enjoy their retirement in peace and security and our youths are gainfully occupied so that they live to their full potential in this lifetime.

“The purpose of my Presidential Campaign is to Reimagine, Rethink and Renew Zimbabwe to being a prosperous country which belongs to all its citizens. Zimbabwe was not liberated for individuals, families, their relatives, and their friends – It was liberated for all Zimbabweans. Zimbabwe belongs to us all! Zimbabwe ndeyedu tese, iZmbabwe ngeyethu sonke

“Our country needs a capable, accountable, transparent and responsible leadership that implements the vision of the Zimbabwe we want. It’s time to Renew the country’s leadership, enshrine a new national vision with aspirations to restore Zimbabwe’s glory. We need to implement and uphold the Constitution and respect the rights of all citizens,” said Kasukuwere

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He emphasized the need for reconciliation, urging the nation to put aside past differences and embrace one another acknowledging the importance of addressing the sensitive issue of the Gukurahundi atrocities.

“It’s time to Reconcile and put our past differences aside and embrace one another while acknowledging our failures and repairing the damage that our acts of omission and commission nave caused. The Gukurahundi question requires a permanent resolution, and a peaceful closure, as with other past conflicts in our history.

“It is time to Reform our national institutions so that they can deliver for the benefit of the majority in a transparent and accountable manner.  It’s time to Revive Zimbabwe and transform its economy to benefit all citizens. Zimbabweans should be at the heart of leveraging regional resources for sustainable, inclusive economic growth and development. It’s time to rebuild, rehabilitate and develop our infrastructure and improve the quality of life for all.” he said

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