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HomeNewsMliswa Savages Prosecutor General’s Office Over Worsening Corruption Levels

Mliswa Savages Prosecutor General’s Office Over Worsening Corruption Levels

Independent Norton legislator Temba Mliswa has castigated the Prosecutor General’s office for failing to handle corruption cases involving big wigs thereby scuttling country efforts to end the scourge he blamed for the worsening economic situation.

Speaking to journalists in Harare Wednesday morning, the outspoken former Zanu PF provincial chairperson called for the anti-corruption commission to have its own independent courts.

“The Prosecutor General’s office is failing to handle dockets for anti-corruption commission, the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission is doing a wonderful but the dockets are all sitting with the Prosecutor General’s office. I have written letters of certain people who must be arrested, high profile. I have been told the dockets have been done but the PG’s office is sitting on them so do you blame ZACC they don’t prosecute over 200 dockets are sitting with him, for what?

“Goba was removed from office there were allegations that he was sitting on dockets as well, the same is happening so how can you then say prosecution is happening. There is some sabotage going on that’s the reason why Parliament must push for ZACC to have its own prosecutors, to have its own courts so that nobody stands in its way,” said Mliswa

Whilst acknowledging ZACC chairperson Justice Loice Matanda Moyo for her bravery, Mliswa said the country has lost the fight against corruption.

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“Credit must go to the chairperson Justice Loice Matanda Moyo, she is an iron lady, Corruption we have lost the war totally we are in second gear mode and it has implication on the economy because its porous, you talk about gold which is caught at the airport and you don’t talk about gold which is flying out in private jets that is smuggled, cigarettes being smuggled.

“All the agreements that have been signed whoever is going to be leader in the next tenure must cancel most of these deals, the generations will be working for this and you will see very aggressive takeover of this country when all these agreements are canceled because they are not for Zimbabweans, the foreigners are making money, indigenization Act was repealed 49% – 51% we do not have anything there, so what are we left with.” Mliswa said.

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