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HomeNewsZimbos Tear Into Police Following Itai Dzamara Search Warrant

Zimbos Tear Into Police Following Itai Dzamara Search Warrant

Three years after the abduction of firebrand human rights activist, Itai Dzamara, the Zimbabwe Republic Police national spokesperson Senior Assistant Commissioner Charity Charamba on Monday announced that they have launched a search warrant, in what has been described as a political stunt aimed at winning the new administration favor ahead of the watershed elections set for July/August this year.

In a statement on the national broadcaster, ZTV, Charamba appealed for information from the public on the whereabouts of Dzamara who was allegedly kidnapped from a barbershop in Glen View suburb.

“Police are appealing for information on the whereabouts of Itai Peace Kadiki Dzamara ,National Registration Number 48-084830-T-48 who left his house proceeding to Trust Deketere Barber Shop at house number 10701 Glenview 7, Harare for a haircut.

“While he was getting shaved, it is alleged that three unknown black male adults entered the barber shop and forcibly dragged him into a Nissan Hardy body…” said the Senior Assistant Commissioner.

The public whom Charamba appealed to for information on the Occupy Africa Unity Square (OAUS) movement founder has been met with mixed reactions, with some suggesting that it is a typical ZANU PF political stunt of propaganda aimed at winning favor towards the 2018 harmonized elections  while others commended the new dispensation on the move.

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Itai’s Dzamara brother, Patson fumed over the appeal. Responding on his Twitter account, Dzamara said ZRP should never involve the public on the matter because the government knows where he is.

“It’s diabolic for this government to ask the citizens through ZRP to assist with information regarding the whereabouts of my brother Itai. Never have I minced my words that they are responsible for Itai’s abduction & missing. They must just bring him back to us, dead or alive.”

Below are other responses of Zimbabweans on Tweeter;

 23h23 hours ago

Why now? ZRP useless organization. You brutalized his family and all those who called for his search.

 15h15 hours ago

People has been saying the new government should do something about Dzamara and now they are doing something and we start to complain and discredit the effort.

We should be glad that at least the new government led by ED Mnangagwa has made efforts to show that it matters. Under RGM, remember Jonathan Moyo saying “What’s new about this, we have people missing through border jumping..” It shows a new way of governance to me.

Idzi ndo fodya manje idzi makutanga kustavaga after 3 years?. May you include the following on the main news bulletin “ZRP in search for missing 15 Billion”

….the regime surely know where Itai and many others are. This regime is a gang of shameless individuals who does not care about the welfare of all citizens… Zimbabweans shud simply know that unless they do something to free themselves from zanu, we are all doomed to the end.

Anyway at least ED government is trying their best with R.G they didn’t even want to look into that issue every thing was brushed under the carpet

Hahahaha ende zvinhu zvekuZimbabwe soo….after 3 years makumutsvaga nhasi…. iko kamupurisa kacho kana kutombonyarawo wena????‍♂️

I think u hv to ask CiO bosses the whereabouts of yr brother

Perhaps the ZRP statement should have also stated why it took them three years to issue a warrant.

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