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HomePolitics‘Defectors’ Undermining Fight Against Zanu PF, Says NCA

‘Defectors’ Undermining Fight Against Zanu PF, Says NCA

The Professor Lovemore Madhuku led National Constitutional Assembly (NCA) has castigated senior and ordinary members of various opposition MDC factions who are defecting to the ruling ZANU PF saying they are undermining the fight against the liberation movement.

In a statement, party national spokesperson Madock Chivasa said they are shocked by the defections ripping those who crossing the floor for lacking interest in citizens’ welfare.

“As NCA party we take note that most of these characters who are now rejoining or “defecting” clearly have an intention of undermining our struggle to fight ZANU PF hegemony of toxic politics. NCA party is appalled that people who pretended to be seeking real and lasting change are now seeking accommodation within ZANU PF structures.

“The NCA party wishes to inform all Zimbabweans and any other interested stakeholders that both the “defecting” leaders from MDC factions and ZANU PF leaders are not interested in the welfare of the citizens. The constant migration and exodus of leadership personalities between MDC factions and ZANU PF, the similarly minded political parties, is meant to steal the limelight from the very serious issues such as the need to put in place electoral reforms ahead of the 2023 general elections,” said Chivasa.

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He rebuked what he termed petty politics of defections from the ruling party saying it does not answer to the challenges that the country is facing.

“It is sad that ZANU PF is engaging in petty politics of “defections” that does not answer to the issues of employment creation, healthcare delivery, and food security as well as several other problems that we face as a country. It is therefore the NCA party’s position that the floor crossing by the few that have allegedly crossed so far is symptomatic of a general lack of understanding that ZANU PF is no longer an option after a decade of its misrule characterized by corruption and bad governance.

“As NCA party we believe that if you are in opposition and you want to seek for a new political home you should either consider joining other already existing opposition parties or to form your own opposition party if the prevailing opposition parties don’t satisfy your desired standards. It is retrogressive to defect from any opposition party joining ZANU PF. It is a great betrayal to our struggle of giving Zimbabweans a better alternative to ZANU PF,” he said.

Chivasa urged Zimbabweans against seriously taking the ruling party’s crusade of desertions saying it is being done at the expense of development.

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“As NCA party we urge all Zimbabweans not to take seriously the cheap politics of “defections” currently being pursued by ZANU PF party at the expense of chasing progressive politics of improving policy formulation, development and implementation for the benefit of everyone,” Chivasa said.

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