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HomeNewsProf Moyo Throws another Jibe at ED Over Chamisa Offer

Prof Moyo Throws another Jibe at ED Over Chamisa Offer


Self exiled former cabinet minister professor Jonathan Moyo has thrown a jibe at President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s intention to formally recognize leader of the opposition, saying the model adopted from the commonwealth is anchored on the supremacy of parliament which is different from Zimbabwe where the constitution reigns supreme.

Moyo, a fierce critic of President Emmerson Mnangagwa since the November 15 military coup that displaced long time ruler former President Robert Mugabe said the model Zimbabwe is trying to adopt works in a country where the head of government is a Prime Minister not a President.

“Heavens know what he had in mind but a Commonwealth parliamentary democracy is one where Parliament, not the Constitution, is supreme and where the head of government is a Prime Minister; not a President,” said Moyo while posting on Twitter.

Mnangagwa who is currently attending the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) has revealed his intention to adopt the commonwealth democracy model by creating an official office of the opposition leader.

“In a phrase, it’s a British colonial relic!” he added.

Moyo said Mnangagwa’s offers to recognise the biggest opposition party and its leadership was just but a “pipe dream.”

“All things considered, and rationally speaking, it’s impossible to weigh another person’s pipe dream.”

Nelson Chamisa has said he was ready to weigh any offers tabled by President Emmerson Mnangagwa to enable them to work together for the good of the country, but cautioned that dialogue would be centred around five key issues his party wants addressed first.

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The five key issues Chamisa wants to discuss with Mnangagwa include ensuring that future elections are safeguarded so that they are held in a transparent manner and can never be disputed again, that there are moves to ensure the country returns to legitimacy and normalcy following what the opposition claims was a stolen July 30 election.

The opposition leader also wants to have dialogue centred around the economy to avert a complete meltdown.

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