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Home#263ChatZanu PF Politiburo Accepts Mahoka, Sandi Moyo Resignation

Zanu PF Politiburo Accepts Mahoka, Sandi Moyo Resignation

Zanu PF Politburo has relieved National Deputy Secretary for Women’s league Eunice Sandi Moyo and her accomplice Sarah Mahoka of their duties with immediate effect following the acceptance of their letters of resignation.

The Politburo’s decision follows last week’s countrywide demonstrations against the two by the Women’s League and Youth League members, who accused them of insubordination and misappropriation of funds.

Announcing the outcomes of the Zanu PF Politburo in Harare on Wednesday, the party’s Secretary for Information and Publicity, Simon Khaya Moyo said the Politburo’s resolution to relieve the two was based on their letters of resignation to the party.

Moyo said the fact that they brought in their resignations is a confirmation that they are guilty of the misdemeanors.

“The secretary for the women’s league gave a comprehensive report on the activities of Sandi Moyo, a litany of misconduct, errant and criminal behaviour (charges) were leveled against Sandi Moyo,” he said.

“Her insubordination and abuse of the league’s funds were alarming. The women’s league leadership had met twice to discuss the misdemeanors and recommended that both be relieved of their duties in the women’s league.

Khaya Moyo said the two will be expected to pay back all the money they allegedly stole, while Sandi Moyo was no longer a politburo member following the acceptance of her resignation.

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Executive members of the Women’s League from all provinces staged countrywide demonstrations against the two executive members accusing them of a number of misconduct that included insubordination, misappropriation of funds, abusing the name of the First Lady, Dr Grace Mugabe and working to remove her from the post of Secretary for Women Affairs.

Mahoka who was Women’s League Secretary for Finance is also accused of insulting Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa on several occasions.

Meanwhile, Zanu PF Political Commissar, Saviour Kasukuwere survived to live another day as his case is yet to be heard before the Politburo after there was speculation he would be the subject of much discussion, with allegations leveled against him of plotting to unseat President Robert Mugabe.

Ahead of the meeting, the Mashonaland Central provincial executive had passed a resolution to have Kasukuwere fired from the party, which was later endorsed by the provincial coordinating committee.

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Multi-award winning journalist/photojournalist with keen interests in politics, youth, child rights, women and development issues. Follow Lovejoy On Twitter @L_JayMut

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