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HomeGuest columnistThe Zhuwao Brief Reloaded

The Zhuwao Brief Reloaded

Dear Patriots, Comrades and Friends

by Patrick Zhuwao

Dear Patriots, Comrades and Friends, I hope I find you well as I bring to you this instalment of the ZBR exactly a month after the last one. It is with profound regret that I have not been able to share with you the ZBR instalments, which I owe you, for the past four weeks. This is because I have been overwhelmed beyond description by urgent and very important issues on the ground. Nonetheless, I have found it necessary to take a break from my pre-occupation with ground issues to communicate with you crucial information about the historic and very exciting launch of NPF.

I have no doubt that everyone of you is as excited as I am about this development which has left the coup conspirators and terrorist junta in sixes and sevens. Allow me therefore firstly to congratulate Comrade Retired Brigadier General Ambrose Mutinhiri for bravely resigning from both the now junta-controlled ZANU PF and junta controlled Parliament in protest against the bloody military coup of 15th November 2017 and against the subsequent formation of an illegitimate coup government.

This is, by any measure, the most heroic statement by a comrade in the struggle. It is an exemplary discharge of the much-needed leadership through action and not just words. Cde Mutinhiri’s courageous and audacious leadership has given hope to patriots, comrades and friends who have been deeply affected by the coup and who need to be assisted one way or another, whether they were expelled from ZANU PF or remain ensconced within ZANU PF or ordinary people who were collateral victims of the military coup.

In the same vein, I wish to also congratulate Comrade Mutinhiri and others that he has been working with for founding and establishing NPF. I am particularly pleased that Comrade Mutinhiri has taken on the onerous leadership responsibility of NPF as its founding President and Presidential Candidate in the forthcoming “do or die” general elections against the terrorist junta. I am sure all progressive forces feel, like I do, that Comrade Mutinhiri and his team deserve everyone’s full and undivided support. He definitely has my support, 100%!

As we prepare for the 2018 general elections, we must remember that time is not our side and so we must act now and act decisively with a common and united purpose. This is not the time for trivia or selfish pursuit. Iwe neni tine basa, Umsebenzi loUmkhulu.
The successful launch of NPF has created palpable excitement within the entirety of Zimbabwe’s body politic. The coup conspirators and terrorist junta have been terrified beyond measure. As a result, the illegal and illegitimate regime in Harare has ratcheted up its
terrorist activities through making direct attacks such as the hate speech that was targeted at President Mugabe in Harare on Wednesday as slogans were being chanted calling for his death at the Junta’s ZANU PF Youth Assembly meeting.

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Intimidation has become the order of the day with all the workers at President Mugabe’s Blue Roof Residence being kidnapped,
illegally detained, interrogated and tortured for three consecutive days this past week at the instigation of former Midlands ZANU PF Central Committee Member, Douglas Tapfuma, who is now Principal Director of State Residences and Occasions at Zimbabwe House.
Indirect attacks and efforts at infiltrating and destabilising NPF are being intensified but with little success. By way of an example, the junta circulated a fake list, using a false NPF logo,  naming an alleged top hierarchy of NPF. Whilst most members of NPF dismissed these infantile efforts of the junta to destabilise NPF, some have fallen for the trick by believing the lies and acting on their basis.
I therefore feel some responsibility and obligation, based on what I know to be true, to articulate five key principles that guide the leadership structures of NPF. It is imperative that everyone should categorically know these five founding principles guiding the leadership structure of NPF as agreed to by the founders of NPF, whose identities will remain confidential for the meantime.

Firstly, President Robert Gabriel Mugabe cannot and will not be among the leaders and founders of NPF. However, every effort will be made to secure his goodwill by ensuring that NPF is honest and true to the ideals and values of the armed liberation struggle that ushered in Zimbabwe’s independence in 1980. NPF will also seek to secure President Mugabe’s goodwill by restoring, maintaining and promoting the enduring legacy of his post independence leadership which include, but is not limited, to vast gains in social services
such as health and education, as well as the empowerment delivered by the landmark policies of land reform, indigenisation and economic empowerment, as well as women, youth and community empowerment.

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Secondly, and similarly, Amai Dr Grace Mugabe cannot and will not be part of the founding leadership or hierarchy of NPF. Nonetheless, her goodwill and support will be sought by NPF. This is a necessary imperative especially considering her publicly known initiatives in
support of women and youth. Thirdly, the comrades who were exiled by the coup and are generally linked with the G40
concept, notably Honourable Saviour Kasukuwere, Professor Jonathan Moyo and Honourable Patrick Zhuwao, cannot and will not be in the founding leadership of NPF.

The fourth founding principle guiding the leadership structure of NPF requires that the leadership is drawn from the full spectrum of Zimbabwe’s political divide with a legitimate generational mix that brings together, on the one hand, the background of liberation struggle
and post-independence; as well as national government service, and on the other hand, generational renewal through involvement of the youth.

The fifth principle is that a deliberate and sustained effort must be done by NPF to identify all those who were affected by the military coup, in one way or another, directly or indirectly, to ensure that appropriate redress is done on a case by case basis. And so, Patriots, Comrades and Friends, the #2018Resistance has reached a critical stage with the launch of NPF. As such, whatever we do, please we should make sure that, as a rule, we do not rely on rumours about anything or anyone. Trust but verify. Should there be anything at all that you wish to clarify, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me on thTwitter or Facebook as Patrick Zhuwao, on email patrickzhuwao@gmail.com and on WhatsApp number +263-73-343-6169. I hope that you find this useful.

Iwe neni tine basa. Umsebenzi loUmkhulu.
Asante Sana.

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