Friday, July 26, 2024
HomeCourtsSA Based Opposition Leader in Hot Soup For Insulting ED

SA Based Opposition Leader in Hot Soup For Insulting ED

Opposition Ideal Zimbabwe leader Tinashe Jonasi (42) was today hauled before the Harare magistrates court answering to charges of undermining the authority of President Emerson Mnangagwa.
The controversial opposition leader is alleged to have insulted President Mnangagwa, accusing him of having a secret affair with his adviser Christopher Mutsvangwa’s wife, Monica Mutsvangwa and had a child.

Prosecuting, Moses Mapanga told the court that on a date unknown to the state, Jonasi appeared on a South African television channel Afro Worldview Television where he insulted Mnangagwa.

 “ok amm the issue of…Mnangagwa has killed thirty thousand people why would people defend that maybe he could not kill maybe one or two people. Eee its its its on record eee eh he Mnangagwa can…can open a police case and then i can face him in court and prove to him that he is a killer,” said Jonasi according to the state papers.
He added, “Eee if he can sleep with eee i mean if he can cheat eee his advisor eee Christopher Mutsvangwa. Mnangagwa can have a child with his advisor’s wife. That Monica Kutsvangwa is in a five star hotel. Mnangagwa id bankrolling eee his girl friend who is the wife of his adviser.


Jonasi also attacked politician activist Acie Lumumba of abusing state funds.
“I would like to warn Acie Lumumba as a young Zimbabwean who has had access to steal our money. Lumumba I’m warning you that you should behave and eat that money you stole for now,”he said.

Jonasi who on Saturday raised eyebrows when he announced that he was going to arrest the President and his deputies, Vice President Constatino Chiwenga and Kembo Mohadi for governance misrule also gave president Mnangagwa a six month ultimatum to resign.

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He is being represented by Ntokozo Dube-Tachiona from the Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights, (ZLHR) who challenged his placement on remand.

Dube argued that the state had no authority to prosecute the accused person since they did not have consent from the Prosecutor General.

She also challenged the 48 hour detention period which she argued had already lapsed by the time Jonas was brought before the court.

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Journalist based in Harare

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