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HomeEntertainmentMadam Boss’ Arch Rival Speaks On Her Ordeal

Madam Boss’ Arch Rival Speaks On Her Ordeal

Controversial comedienne, Mai Titi has weighed in on her counterpart, Madam Boss’ ordeal after her husband was recently sucked in an adultery storm.

Madam Boss’ husband, Ngoni Munetsiwa is reported to have impregnated his mistress, Evangelista Zhou, and hid her at their matrimonial home in Chitungwiza.

Weighing in on the matter, Mai Titi penned a lengthy message on Facebook highlighting that women should always maintain it in mind that men will always cheat regardless of how good the partner is.

Wrote Mai Titi:

Marriage has got no formula

Each time when a man does his shenanigans we blame women, hee dressing, character, personality bla bla bla come on guys.

A man will still cheat on his decent and perfect wife who he met whilst she was still a virgin.

A man will cheat on his wife despite the wife being respectful, responsible and beautiful.

Beauty will not keep a man , even brains 🧠 will not , respect ✊, being faithful won’t keep him too .

Even if you are the sexiest woman on earth if a man wants to cheat he will do so with the least of the person you were expecting. So let’s not do fault finding in relationships , some men married strippers they met in the pub till now they are together.

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Some men get beaten by their wives but they are still together and you wonder what are they still doing there.

Some men live with the most talkative wives ever but still they are going strong .

Love , Marriage and how to keep it longer is unknown, it’s an unknown equation.

If you are in a perfect marriage or relationship then thank your God because it is not a bed of roses 🌹.Whilst you are at it do not laugh at those failing to keep their relationships , they also are putting effort just like you are doing .When it turns out bad It is also up to you to stay or leave , you do not need any advice when you are the one wearing the shoe 👠. You know how painful it is .

However normalizing cheating is one of the most painful things ever💔

There are really good people out there who are still asking themselves, what did I really do ?or where did I get it wrong ?😑 but ey listen 👂 you did the best you could to keep it together but what keeps someone is someone who wants to be kept ❤️.

Mai T s Diaries .

Mai Titi was also making headlines recently after she broke up with her husband Tinashe Maphosa just four months into the union. The two had a dispute after they chewed more than they could swallow at their wedding where they spent an estimated US$100 000.

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This amount did not entirely come from their pockets as they borrowed, with plans for Maphosa to pay back after the wedding. Unfortunately, after the wedding, Maphosa was not equal to the task leading to a fallout between the two.

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