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HomeNewsZEC Implores Gvt to Improve Allowances For Election Personnel

ZEC Implores Gvt to Improve Allowances For Election Personnel


The Zimbabwe Election Commission (ZEC) has implored the Government to improve election allowances for personnel recruited to carry out electoral activities.

In a report on the March 26 By-Elections, the Commission said lower payment of daily allowances in the elections affected morale of recruited personnel and the situation was compounded by service providers who demanded payment in hard currency.

“The payment of $45 election allowances per day instead of $60 affected the morale of recruited personnel. Local service providers compounded the situation by demanding payment in hard currency instead of the local currency, thus adversely affecting the preparations for the elections. Personnel recruited for electoral activities need to be paid allowances in time in order to motivate and hence avoid disturbances of any form.

“Further, allowances payable per day should be compensatory enough to keep election officers motivated. The budget of the Commission needs to be considered in its originality, especially on elections, to avoid compromising the quality-of-service delivery. The Commission recommends that all election funds be released timeously, and in sufficient amounts to enable it to adequately prepare for and conduct elections,” read the report

ZEC said the request for a provisional voters’ roll by stakeholders immediately after its closure posed a challenge to the Commission.

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“Provision of the Voters’ Roll Observation The Electoral Act [Chapter 2:13] provides for the provision of an electronic voters roll by the Commission, free of charge, to all candidates contesting an election, within a reasonable 28 period after Nomination Day. However, stakeholder requests for provisional voters’ rolls and for providing voters’ rolls immediately after its closure posed a challenge to the Commission.

“The State should fully capacitate the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission to enable it to carry out the function of voter registration in terms of the law. The Commission should also be capacitated to conduct voter education programmes to educate the electorate on the fact that it is not possible for it to provide copies of the provisional or final voters’ roll(s) soon after the completion of the national registration blitz. There is a whole process that precedes the production of the final product namely; decryption, uploading of data and running of AFIS through the collected data before the voters’ roll can be deemed final and ready for the voting process,” said ZEC

The Commission said it is satisfied that the 26th of March 2022 by-elections were conducted in a manner and under conditions that allowed voters to freely express their will and is of the view that the results thereof are a true reflection of the will of the electorate.

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