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HomeGuest BlogWhat Is Your Legacy?

What Is Your Legacy?

The generation of our fathers can be said to have stood as liberators, fighting for freedom from oppression, discrimination and injustice from the colonialists.

1980 for Zimbabwe marked the turnaround and was punctuated by waves of celebrations. Many thought we had finally won the war but sadly it was just the first battle of many to come.

As the oppressors stepped aside we hoped to begin building the dream nation many visualized as they ran around with AK47s on their backs. But unfortunately as the enemy stepped aside we started to “slash and kill” our own brothers because of differences in tribes, ethnic grouping, religion beliefs, political/imaginary boundaries and political views.

Synonymous words are-genocide, xenophobia, tribal war, Boko Haram to mention but a few.

At the end of the day there is general hatred of the colonialist and there is even more serious divisions among us. That holds water for the generation of our fathers and our grandfathers. Most have run their race and are now in their sixties awaiting the call of nature.

In our time as those born after independence we have observed that some have enriched themselves at the expense of everyone else. We have seen the nation hit by inflation degrading our currency to toilet paper that most would not be hasty to pick from the floor. We can conclude that what our fathers fought for was just a battle, but the war continues and needs heroes and heroines to be decided. I have concluded that it’s not enough to be content just because your things are running smoothly?

ALSO ON 263Chat:   Ambuya Bona was right, Mugabe should have remained a teacher!

I therefore want each and every one of us to consider these questions both from an individual  and a global perspective:

  1. What is it that we stand for as a generation?
  2. When our children and grandchildren read history books, what kind of people would they consider us to be?
  3. What is our legacy? Are we going to allow ourselves to be the generation that messed it up all for everyone else?
  4. Between sunrise and sunset, Monday to Sunday, December and January what are you doing for the collective good?
  5. How long will the broke and unemployed dance to the sometimes raw or unpurified sounds of pop and dancehall music when they could be doing more with their lives?
  6. Do you really believe in the miraculous to the extent of pinning your hopes on them or somethings just need hope based on sound ideas, action plans and religious implementation?

Source: www.changamire.co.za

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263Chat is a Zimbabwean media organisation focused on encouraging & participating in progressive national dialogue

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